Code of Conduct for interpreters

  1. You must inform Enable2 in good time if you need to cancel a booking. Short notice of cancellations, which is defined as a booking cancelled within 12 hours of the start time, should only occur in an emergency situation.
  2. Arrive punctually for all appointments.
  3. Switch off all mobile phones during assignments.
  4. Be willing to continuously increase their skills and knowledge within the field and make themselves available for any training that may be deemed necessary.
  5. Not directly or indirectly accept any form of commission, discount, gratuity or other benefit for interpreting other than payment by the company.
  6. Not on any occasion accept direct bookings for clients or promote their own services or that of any other agency whilst engaged in work for the company.
  7. Treat all information that they come across in the course of their work as confidential and not stand to make any personal gain from it.
  8. Inform the professional on arrival if the patient/client is known to them in order that the professional can verify with the patient/client that they are happy for the interpreter to interpret for them.
  9. The interpreter must only perform the tasks detailed in the booking confirmation; most of Enable2 bookings are oral interpretations only, so sight translation or written translation should not be performed unless specified on the booking confirmation.
  10. Interpret truly and accurately to the best of their ability, without adding or omitting anything.
  11. Only accept work which they are competent to carry out satisfactorily, and only undertake work in language(s) in which they have been assessed and in which they can continue to perform competently.
  12. Observe impartiality at all times while interpreting and not act as an advocate or chaperone at any time while carrying out their duties. If impartiality is irretrievably jeopardised during an interpreting session, they will withdraw forthwith, explaining their reasons to both parties concerned.
  13. Refrain from giving advice or providing practical tips to clients.
  14. Not to delegate any work that they have accepted to another interpreter.
  15. Not undertake work for the company on behalf of another agency.
  16. Avoid contact with clients of the company in any other capacity than interpreting.
  17. Work in accordance with the policies of the company at all times.
  18. Carry the company photo identification badge at all times when undertaking assignments for Enable2.
  19. Dress in a professional manner.
  20. Not to use any information they may gain as a result of their work with the company to further their own business interests. Dismissal and/or legal action will be considered if this is contravened.