In September, Enable2 celebrated it’s 10-year anniversary as a social enterprise with a stunning walk in the Peak District, bringing together our office staff and interpreters from all over the world.. We began as a department called the Primary Care Interpreting Service within the old Bradford NHS Primary Care Trust over a decade ago before making the step to set ourselves up as an independent social enterprise, a step that has helped our service-users and those who do not have English as their first language receive the care and support that they need.
We didn’t want the Covid-19 pandemic to stop us celebrating this monumental achievement, so we set out to celebrate in a safe and secure way. With many of our interpreters being from Bradford, Sheffield and the surrounding areas, we decided that a socially distanced walk around Langsett in the Peak District before going to a local venue for coffee, tea and a buffet would be the perfect way to get together and celebrate in a comfortable manner.
It was fantastic to see our multicultural team of interpreters engage both with each other and the office staff and seeing them all enjoying themselves. Some of our interpreters started working with us during the pandemic and hadn’t had the opportunity to meet any of the other interpreters that work with our agency.
One interpreter said "It was a truly beautiful day and we enjoyed meeting everyone. A great initiative and total success. Hopefully one day we can meet again in similar happy contexts".