Enable2 recently purchased a defibrillator for Pound4Pound Boxing Gym in Allerton to help them with their Boxing England Affiliation.
Whether getting involved with national organisations and playing a part in major projects or reaching out to small, community-based organisations to offer our help, we do it all. We try to keep our ears to the ground across the country so that we can plan ahead and put our resources to best use to help combat these inequalities.
Naddy, founder of Pound4Pound Bradford and a veteran of the Yorkshire boxing scene, has dedicated the last 17 years of his life to boxing and has been a strong role model for young people wanting to get into this world. Since opening, Pound4Pound became much more than just a place to train. It has become a place for Naddy and his colleagues to coach children and teenagers in boxing, promoting their mental and physical wellbeing and teaching them respect and discipline.
“The only thing holding us back”, Naddy said to us, “is that we need a defibrillator to become associated with Boxing England. We don’t charge a lot for the kids to attend our classes, so raising the funds for this will be really difficult. We only charge enough to cover our rent and this afilliation will be huge for us”.
In the 6 months that they’ve been running classes, they’ve already had children from local secondary schools referred to their classes and the feedback has been amazing. They have been told that there has been a noticeable increase in their attendance, discipline and positive mental attitude.
Going to see these projects first-hand is extremely important for us. Having an experience like this and seeing the environment that our social return will impact really introduces a new depth to the emotional levels of social value.
After a visit to the Pound4Pound to see the gym in action, we decided that purchasing a defibrillator for this organisation will benefit the Bradford community for years to come.
This has recently been delivered to them and they are on track for their affiliation with Boxing England.
Naddy said of the donation:
“We are truly thankful for Enable2. The passion that they have for helping small organisations like ours really shines through and we can tell that giving back to the community is not just a box for them to tick, but a drive behind their entire business. We’ve spoken how in the future we’d look to work with refugees, asylum seekers and those suffering from mental health issues and they have said that they would love to help where they can. We are looking forward to maintaining a great relationship with them. This all means so much to us, thank you for everything.”