About us
Social Return
Enable2 Team
Enable2 Board Members
Work with us
Be an Enable2 interpreter
Interpreter requirements
Registration form
Code of Conduct for interpreters
Book an Interpreter
Book an Interpreter
Community Investment Fund - Expression of Interest Form
Contact Details
Contact Name
Contact Registered Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Organisation Details
Organisation Name
Organisation Type
Project / Activity Details
Name of Project
Theme (Select all that apply to the project)
Health and Wellbeing
Language and Culture
Employment and Education
Planned Start Date
Planned End Date
Activity / Project (What would you like to do and where will it take place?)
Beneficiaries (Who will take part in the activity; how many do you hope to attract; how will you contact them?)
Outcomes (What are the positive benefits you hope to see as a result of your activity/project?)
Budget (What is the total cost and how much are you asking us for? Please also provide a broad breakdown of the key costs. E.g. Room hire, marketing, expenses)